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Clearwater Personal Injury Attorney
For A Free Consultation 877-767-1032

Athletic Field Injuries And Florida Personal Injury Claims


A source of fun and healthy activity, sports play an important role for many who live and vacation in Florida, and a lot of this play takes place on athletic fields. These fields are places that are designed to provide a safe environment for players to engage in games, drills, and physical activity. However, despite efforts to keep these areas safe, physical injuries do occur on athletic fields.

If you or someone you care about has been injured while participating in sports on an athletic field in Clearwater, Hudson, or Tampa, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages.

Negligence, Premise Liability, and Assumption or Risk

Personal injury claims after an athletic field injury could touch on several legal theories, such as assumption of risk, negligence, and premises liability. If you were hurt because another did not take reasonable care to prevent harm, a negligence claim could follow. But a premises liability claim can also occur if a property owner or manager was not up to date with maintenance issues, leading to the injury, for instance.

Assumption of risk is a form of defense, when a person or party asserts that the injured party decided to engage in an activity that was, in and of itself, dangerous. So, as you move forward with your claim, the legal representative for the athletic field may assert you engaged in an activity that you knew could be harmful, so you hold responsibility for the accident expenses.

A skilled attorney will carefully listen to where, when, and how your athletic injury occurred. Then, they will inform you of ways to obtain the compensation you need to pay for athletic injury expenses, including the following:

  • Medical fees and healthcare expenses. The cost of medical treatment for your injury, including hospitalization, surgery, rehabilitation, and other related expenses, from follow-up appointments to physical therapy charges will be totaled.
  • Pain and suffering. Non-economic damages you have suffered as a result of your injury, including emotional pain and suffering, could be eligible for recovery.
  • Income loss. If you were unable to work because of your athletic field injury, compensation for income loss, including lost wages and benefits, can be calculated.

There are an array of ways an athletic field injury can significantly impact your life, share your story with legal professionals to pursue the compensation you need.

Initiate Your Personal Injury Claim 

Do not assume you will be contacted by an insurance company and offered a settlement, you may need to initiate the personal injury process. Connect with a Florida personal injury lawyer to start your path to financial recovery today.

Could an injury settlement provide you with monetary relief after an athletic injury? The skilled attorneys at Roman & Roman can take care of all the details, meet important deadlines, and be sure you are connecting with the level of compensation you need to financially recover. Our Florida legal team has over 100 years of combined experience, let us use our background to help you. Schedule your no-obligation, free consultation today.

Although the law firm of Roman & Roman has offices in Clearwater, Hudson and Tampa, we handle cases and claims throughout  Florida. We also meet personally with our clients if at all possible, rather than impersonally over the phone or on the Internet.

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