Can A Lawyer Say “No” To My Case?

If you are wondering if a lawyer can refuse your case, the answer is yes, a lawyer can say “no” to taking on your dispute. Lawyers have the right to choose which cases they want to take on, and which cases they don’t. If a lawyer declines their services, there are typically clear reasons for them to do so.
For example, some cases in Clearwater, Hudson, or Tampa are not appropriate for an attorney to take because there are conflicts of interests, the statute of limitation period has sunsetted, or the legal professional is simply experienced in an area of law that does not apply to your case.
Conflicts of Interest and Time Limits
Conflicts of interests are a common reason why a lawyer could refuse to take on a case. A conflict of interest can arise for a range of reasons, such as when a lawyer’s representation of one client is adverse to the interests of another client, or when the lawyer’s personal interests may conflict with the potential client’s interests. This could be true if you are hoping to sue an individual you believe is responsible for your injuries and a lawyer has a close personal relationship with that person. Then, the lawyer will likely share with you that they are unable to represent you due to the conflict of interest.
Additionally, there are time limits for personal injury cases, and as a result, a statute of limitation requirement may prevent a lawyer from taking on your case. A statute of limitation is a law that sets a time limit for bringing a legal claim, and if your case is past the statute of limitation, the lawyer may not be able to represent you.
Areas of Expertise
A lawyer may also decline to take on your case because they don’t have the necessary expertise to fully support your case. For instance, if your case involves a complex medical malpractice claim and you initially meet with a lawyer who is focused on family law, the attorney may share with you that they don’t have the medical malpractice law experience your case needs. In these situations, asking for a referral for an attorney that does have the background you need could be appropriate.
It’s important to work with a lawyer who will represent you effectively. You may need to consult with multiple lawyers before finding one who is a good fit for you, which is not something to be nervous about, it is simply part of the process. To strengthen your insurance claim or legal action, speak to a Florida personal injury lawyer.
Could a legal review of your case determine who is the right attorney for you? Being upfront and honest about the details of your case can help you find the right lawyer for your needs, share the facts of your situation and your objectives with the attorneys at Roman & Roman. With over 100 years of combined experience, our lawyers fight for client’s rights every day. Schedule your no-obligation consultation today.
Although the law firm of Roman & Roman has offices in Clearwater, Hudson and Tampa, we handle cases and claims throughout Florida. We also meet personally with our clients if at all possible, rather than impersonally over the phone or on the Internet.