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Consequences of Criminal Convictions for College Students


College is an opportunity to learn, grow, make mistakes and then learn from those mistakes. Some view being charged with a crime while in college or before college as “part of growing up.” It is common for college students (and in some cases the parents of college students) to believe that criminal activity before or during college will not have severe repercussions. This is not the case.

Consequences of a Criminal Conviction While in College

There are serious and life-altering consequences that can result from a criminal conviction, even for a young college student. These include:

  • Fines and/or imprisonment: Of course, a criminal conviction’s most obvious consequences include fines and/or potential jail time. Because most every college student is over the age of 18 years, these students will face the same penalties that adults would face. Fines can zap a college student’s savings or earnings, and jail or prison time removes the student from the college campus permanently.
  • Loss of scholarships and/or financial aid: Even if the student is not sentenced to prison, a criminal conviction may cause the student to lose his or her eligibility for scholarships (athletic or academic) and public or private financial aid. This can make it financially impossible for the student to continue on with his or her college education.
  • Denial of professional licenses: If the student is contemplating a career that would require the student to obtain a professional license (such as law, finance, and/or certain healthcare professions), a criminal conviction may prevent the student from being able to obtain the license and enter that particular profession.

Of course, the best way to avoid these negative consequences is for the student not to commit any criminal acts. However, even students who are innocent of wrongdoing may find themselves charged with a crime.  These criminal charges should be considered serious no matter the potential fines or length of imprisonment. The student would be well-served by hiring an experienced and aggressive Clearwater criminal defense attorney to assist him or her in fighting these charges.

Contact Legal Counsel Today for Assistance with Your Charges

If you or your college student are charged with a crime, one of your first actions should be to call the dedicated and resourceful Florida criminal defense firm of Roman & Roman. Contact Roman & Roman today by calling (877) 767-1032, or reach our firm by completing our online contact form.



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