Contacting The Police After A Car Accident
After getting into a fender-bender, some drivers may agree to just move on and forget the accident happened. If there is little to no damage to the vehicles, the drivers can agree to not exchange insurance information because it may not be worth the effort and the potentially increased rate for a small accident. In these kinds of accidents, drivers may certainly not want to involve the police; however, in some cases, calling the police to report an accident may be legally required.
Under Florida law, there are certain automobile accidents that must be reported to law enforcement officials immediately after the accident. Drivers involved in automobile accidents that involve injury to or death of any person, or damage to any automobile or any other property, are required to report the accident immediately after it happens. Police officers also have a duty to file certain reports concerning such reported accidents within a certain time. If the accident is not investigated, the driver has a duty to file a form detailing the accident. A driver’s failure to report the accident is considered a noncriminal offense, although it still counts as a non-moving traffic violation and is punishable as such. If you are seriously injured in the accident, the law allows you some time to make the required report to law enforcement. A passenger in the automobile at time of the accident can make the report, as well.
While reporting an accident to the police might be something that some drivers may hesitate to do, if the driver anticipates making an insurance claim later, the driver should ensure that he or she reports the accident to his or her insurance company as soon as possible after the accident. Insurance companies can be difficult about paying out claims if the insured does not report the accident within the time limits and in the manner provided for in the insurance contract.
Contact A Clearwater Automobile Accident Attorney
If you were involved in a car accident due to the negligence of the other driver, contact an experienced automobile accident attorney for a consultation. You may have more options other than insurance to recover for your injuries and expenses. Consult the experienced Clearwater automobile accident attorneys at Roman & Roman, P.A. for assistance with your case.