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How a Criminal Defense Attorney in Tampa Can Help Individuals Convicted of Violation of Probation

The consequences of a probation violation are serious. If you or an individual you know has been convicted of a crime in the state of Florida and are currently on probation, there are certain rights to be aware of. This article discusses the consequences of a violation of probation—if you have violated a condition of probation and a warrant has been issued for your arrest, or are uncertain of how to handle a probation officer’s demands, contact a criminal defense attorney in Tampa for further information. A criminal defense law firm in Tampa can immediately offer you guidance and explain all available options to you, from having a violation of probation warrant withdrawn, to taking the necessary steps in order to get a violation of probation charge dismissed.

The following information should be understood in order to ensure that you do not risk any violation of probation. Individuals on probation are free from prison for the time being, but are still supervised closely by the state of Florida and any violation would allow the State to sentence the individual up to the maximum sentence the original charge would carry. An individual on probation must (in most cases) regularly report to their probation officer their address, progress in completing conditions (ie. Community service hours, court-ordered classes,..) and submit to random drug screens. Additionally, while an individual is on probation, they must be aware that their probation officer does NOT need a warrant to search their residence. Normally police would require a warrant to search someone’s home, but if the individual is on probation, police do not need one.

Violating probation often results in imprisonment–just because you are on probation does not mean you are immune from still going to jail or prison. As mentioned earlier, a violation of probation would allow the State to sentence you up to the maximum sentence the original charge would carry. Probation can be violated in any number of ways, most commonly occurring due to individuals failing to regularly report to their probation officer, committing another crime while on probation, testing positive for drugs, changing residence without notifying probation, falling behind on paying costs, or falling behind on completing court-ordered classes or community service hours. To understand your rights while on probation or if you find yourself in violation of probation, contact a criminal defense attorney in Tampa for assistance—he or she will be able to offer you guidance and explain all available options to you, from having a violation of probation warrant withdrawn, to taking the necessary steps in order to get a violation of probation charge dismissed.

Violation of Probation Scenario: Should your Florida probation officer allege a violation of probation, a judge may sign an arrest warrant. This violation of arrest warrant typically has a “no bond” provision, meaning that unless you obtain help from a criminal defense attorney in Tampa who can get you into court quickly, you may end up spending time in jail until your probation violation case is resolved, and this can sometimes take weeks or months.

If you do believe there’s a possibility you’ve violated probation, do not stop reporting to your probation officer. Should you fail to report because you believe you will be arrested for a violation, your failing to contact your officer may cause additional issues—and grounds for violation. Failing to report may also result in a court being less inclined to provide additional chances for probation completion in when you find yourself before a judge.

If there is the potential that your probation officer may allege violated probation, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Tampa. Your attorney can contact your probation officer on behalf of you and request additional time to comply with probation terms. If you are taken into custody on violation of probation, a criminal defense attorney in Tampa can file for an emergency bond on behalf of you and have your case reviewed by a judge in days instead of weeks.

Contact a criminal defense law firm in Tampa to review your case and answer any questions you may have regarding violation of probation.

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