Defective Product Claims And Your Path To Compensation

There are a wide range of defective products that have led to minor and severe injuries. When the product’s design is faulty, the manufacturing process has mistakes, or the item was not marketed correctly, things can go wrong when the product is in use. Negligence that results in harm means a product company or the business that marketed or produced the product could be held liable.
After being harmed due to a product defect in Clearwater, Hudson, or Tampa, getting medical care to treat the injuries you have sustained is essential. Once your injuries are addressed, you should talk to a defective product attorney about the possibility of accessing financial recovery through an insurance claim or legal action.
Building a Strong Product Liability Claim
Product liability claims are complex. And the companies who you are fighting for recovery from typically have large legal teams ready to push back on your need for financial recovery. But when you have a strong case, the outcome you want could be in reach.
Strong claims have the following elements:
- You were using the product in the way it was intended to be used.
- There was a clear defect in the product.
- Because the product did not function properly, harm was sustained.
- There is evidence of harm, such as documentation of the injuries treated by a licensed healthcare professional.
- A favorable opinion by an expert of the defect in the product.
A seasoned attorney can review your situation and be sure these strengths are in place, whether your injury was the result of a design flaw or something when wrong in the manufacturing of the product. Additionally, products need to have warnings in place, if needed. For instance, if a product has a heat element, there are often warnings connected to burn hazards and fire risks.
Medical Expenses, Property Replacement Fees, and Distress
Naturally, how much your claim is worth will depend on the severity of your injury and what type of damages you are pursuing. Some situations call for recovery for medical fees and the replacement expense of the product itself. Other cases also pursue damages for emotional distress and wage loss. Income loss is a key component for individuals who have to take a large time off of work to heal properly.
Just as there are statutes of limitations for personal injury claims under Florida law, there are timelines for defective product legal actions as well. In specific situations, timelines can be extended, but those are exceptions and an adjusted timeline should not be relied on. Speaking to an attorney as soon as possible means more time to investigate and fortify your claim.
Is pursuing compensation for a defective product in your future? After an injury due to an item having flaws in its design or manufacturing defects, there may be a path to securing monetary damages. There are timelines that need to be followed, so if you are considering taking action connect with a knowledgeable attorney without delay. Speak to the skilled attorneys at Roman & Roman. Our team of seasoned injury lawyers have over 100 years of combined experience. Schedule your no-obligation, free consultation today.
Although the law firm of Roman & Roman has offices in Clearwater, Hudson and Tampa, we handle cases and claims throughout Florida. We also meet personally with our clients if at all possible, rather than impersonally over the phone or on the Internet.