Determining If Someone Acted In Bad Faith

When you regularly pay your insurance bills, you are doing so in order to be protected should an event occur. This is true whether you are paying your homeowners insurance or auto insurance. While it is uncommon, there are times when insurance companies work in bad faith. Working in bad faith essentially means an insurance company is using tactics to sidestep their contractual obligations.
Misrepresenting terms or citing unknown exclusions are a couple of the bad faith maneuvers that could be employed. If you feel you are experiencing an insurance company working in bad faith after being injured in a Clearwater, Hudson, or Tampa accident, discuss your situations with a Florida injury attorney. There could be a legal path forward, including bringing a contractual dispute legal action. If you have made all of your payments, whether you have paid monthly, quarterly, or annually, you deserve to have the terms of your policy upheld.
Insurance Policyholders Have Rights
People are careful about what insurance policy they choose to purchase. It is common for consumers to sit down and slowly assess the terms and provisions. After all, when it comes to auto insurance, you know you will be leaning on that coverage should an accident take place, whether the collision is due to a mistake you made on a Florida road, is the fault of someone else, or due to hazardous conditions.
While complicated claims can create compensation issues, if you are faced with any of the following contact a legal professional to learn about next steps.
- Offer seems incredibly low. Payments after accidents should be fair and in line with the detail of the case, they shouldn’t be small to benefit the company.
- Unexpected cancellations. If the moment you move to use your coverage it is canceled for no reason, the company could be acting in bad faith.
- Assessment is off. Fair damage recovery relies on carefully totaling expenses and fees. Failure to research and investigate could lead to a low offer.
- Denials not based in fact. There has to be a value reason why a claim is denied or reduced.
Any issue that is causing you concern should be answered efficiently and clearly by the insurance adjuster working on the claim. If you have questions about your claim or feel you are being treated unfairly by your insurance company or another insurance adjuster involved in your recovery process, share your concerns with a Florida personal injury lawyer.
Is it confusing to you why your claim was denied and you suspect an individual or organization was working in bad faith? Share your concerns and documentation with the attorneys at Roman & Roman. With a knowledgeable attorney on your side you will learn about the worth of your claim and understand what steps you should take to strengthen your case. Our talented lawyers know how to secure a full and fair settlement amount. If you are ready to have over 100 years of combined personal injury experience on your side, book a no-obligation, free consultation.