Florida ER Visits And Holidays

People love to gather for holidays. After all, they are opportunities to gather with family and friends and build memories through conversations and shared meals. While many look forward to these events, there are times when there are injuries. Car accidents could happen on the way to a gathering or a person could be injured when cooking in another’s kitchen. For these and other reasons, some families find themselves visiting a local emergency room or urgent care center on holiday weekends.
If you have high bills from a holiday injury, compensation may be possible. Talk to a Clearwater personal injury attorney about your damage recovery options moving forward. There are times when the appropriate thing to do following an accident is to file an insurance claim or take legal action.
Car Crash Risks Over Holiday Weekends
According to one report from the United States Bureau of Transportation Statistics, the holiday season, specifically the timespan between Thanksgiving weekend and the New Year, is a busy travel season with an increase in car accidents and injuries. There is a higher risk of collisions because of increased traffic, rushed drivers, and operators under the influence. In some sections of the country, weather is also an issue.
Whenever you are traveling, whether it is a holiday or not, it is best to not rush, obey all rules, and abstain from drinking. Being late to an event is far better than being involved in a crash.
Kitchen Injuries are also Possible
Dining and cooking together is part of the holiday tradition of many. While sharing recipes and laughing together can be a source of joy, there are also times when distracted individuals forget the real risks of a kitchen. To reduce the likelihood of a kitchen injury, keep the following in mind
- Keep everyone, particularly children, away from hot stoves.
- Dull knives can lead to injuries
- Smoke detectors need to be regularly checked and maintained.
- Use anti-slip mats under cutting boards as needed.
- Take a break or scale back plans if everyone is becoming overwhelmed.
And there are dangers at holiday parties beyond the kitchen, such as when candles fall creating a burn risk. All injuries should be assessed by a medical professional as soon as possible.
When a person is injured because of another’s negligence, financial recovery may be possible. If you are juggling medical bills, lost wages, property damages, and other expenses, talk to a Clearwater, Tampa or Hudson personal injury attorney. It may be possible to push back when an insurance company denies or reduces a claim. A seasoned Florida attorney can help you secure the results you need to move forward.
Were you injured in a Florida car accident on a way to a holiday event or did you sustain an injury at a holiday celebration? Talk to a skilled legal professional to understand what your options are moving forward. Compensation may be possible if you are juggling medical care expenses, vehicle damages, and lost income. Talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer to understand your rights. The attorneys at Roman & Roman have over 100 years of combined experience. Schedule your free consultation in Clearwater, Hudson, or Tampa today.