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Roman & Roman's Main Office is Located in Hudson, FL
Clearwater Personal Injury Attorney
For A Free Consultation 877-767-1032

Motorcycle Sales Are Up!

It’s a fact that more motorcycles are being purchased every day and sales are increasing each year. In today’s economy, some folks are forced to buy a motorcycle because they can’t afford a car. Others are buying motorcycles because they are just plain fun to ride. Unfortunately, motorcycle fatalities have likewise increased each year. I can’t begin to tell you have many times I have seen people with serious injuries from motorcycle accidents (as well as family members whose loved one is a motorcycle fatality), where there was limited insurance or no insurance to cover the massive medical bills incurred by the injured motorcycle rider. In most of these cases, the motorcyclist was rear-ended by a car or hit by a car or truck running a stop sign or red light. If you have a motorcycle or are going to buy one, make sure you have adequate insurance to cover you for medical expenses and loss of income if you should be in an accident. Your auto policy on your car or truck will not cover you unless you have an endorsement to cover the motorcycle. You can also have a separate policy for the motorcycle. Whatever you do, make certain that your policy limits are sufficient to cover your medical expenses. Also, make sure that you have UNINSURED-UNDERINSURED motorist coverage on the motorcycle policy because there are way too many people driving vehicles on the road that are not covered by liability insurance. Oh, one more thing, if you are going to be a passenger on a motorcycle, think twice, because if you are hurt, there may be no insurance available to cover you if there is a crash.

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