Was Your Pre-existing Condition Exacerbated In a Florida Car Crash?

When an individual is moving forward with a personal injury claim after a car accident, they may be curious about how their pre-existing condition will be handled. It is possible the condition worsened because of the accident. Or, a person may worry their current pain and suffering concerns will not be believed because they have had health issues in the past.
After a car accident in Clearwater, Hudson, or Tampa, it is important you connect with a knowledgeable Florida car accident attorney to understand how to handle the topic of pre-existing conditions when negotiating with an insurance company or the other legal team.
What Types of Conditions Should Be Shared with Professionals
It is essential that car accident victims seek medical treatment following a collision. Share any pre-existing conditions with health professionals so they can determine if any conditions have been exacerbated by the impact.
Some conditions to discuss include the following:
- Anxiety
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- High blood pressure
- Heart conditions
- Disc and spine issues
- Depression
Then, share the doctor’s assessment with a Florida car accident attorney. With documentation in place, it will help to strengthen a claim. A lawyer can navigate communication with insurance companies, working to be sure the maximum compensation amount is awarded. They will also be able to address the argument that an injury already existed, when in fact a victim’s pre-existing condition was worsened by the impact of the accident.
Do Not Attempt to Hide Health Concerns
Being honest about pre-existing conditions, with your doctor and your lawyer, is the best path to a strong case. There are times when the other party can access a person’s medical records as they research the case. If doing so, they unearth a condition that was not in the documentation provided, it could weaken your claim. They could suggest you were hiding the condition because it, not the accident, is the true source of your injury, absolving them from financial responsibility.
An experienced attorney knows how to achieve the best outcome for clients involved in car accidents or truck collision cases. After all, they have spent years studying and practicing law in the state of Florida. Having won cases that are similar, they can pave a path to compensation.
It is important to remember that insurance companies need to protect the interests of the company. When a settlement offer is made, it may not be the amount a victim would be able to achieve with their own lawyer advocating for them. An attorney who reviews the details of a claim is able to determine the claim’s full value. Knowing a person’s health history and how their life was affected by the crash, the lawyer may be able to fight for a higher settlement amount.
Were your pre-existing conditions worsened because of a Florida car accident? Collisions can be extremely upsetting and can result in costly medical care. Talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer to understand your rights. The attorneys at Roman & Roman have over 100 years of combined experience. Schedule your free consultation today.