Tag Archives: Clearwater Auto Accident Lawyer

Understanding Basic Insurance Terminology
Clients often call to ask about letters they receive from their own insurance companies. Insurance adjusters use template letters with a lot of complex language in order to communicate with people. In fact, it sometimes seems as though the insurance companies do not want their customers to know what’s in their contracts. So, let’s… Read More »
Negligence and the Significance of Traffic Tickets
The collision between a semi-tractor trailer carrying Busch Beer and a Frito-Lay truck in Melbourne, Florida made news this week. WKMG reports that the Frito-Lay truck was pulled over onto the shoulder for an unknown reason when the beer truck swerved to the right and collided with it. The beer truck driver was ticketed… Read More »
Pursuing Damages for an Injury
A person who is injured in a car accident or suffers another kind of personal injury, such as a slip and fall, can generally seek compensation through a settlement with an insurance company, or by filing a lawsuit. If the injured person is victorious in a lawsuit, he or she would receive a monetary… Read More »
Contacting The Police After A Car Accident
After getting into a fender-bender, some drivers may agree to just move on and forget the accident happened. If there is little to no damage to the vehicles, the drivers can agree to not exchange insurance information because it may not be worth the effort and the potentially increased rate for a small accident…. Read More »
Apportionment Of Fault And A Plaintiff’s Recovery
Car accidents involving multiple vehicles may be more complicated to sort out than those involving just one or two cars. If one of the parties involved in the accident decides to seek compensation from the courts, he or she may wonder which of the other parties would be responsible for paying any judgment ordered… Read More »
Pre-Existing Conditions And Compensations
Sometimes when a person is involved in a car accident, the injuries suffered are not entirely new. People with existing medical conditions or injuries may find that a car accident can make these conditions and injuries worse. The problem when seeking compensation from the person who caused the injuries or from an insurance company… Read More »
Automobile Insurance Protection And Uninsured Drivers
Although all drivers on the road are supposed to carry automobile insurance under Florida law, the reality is that not every driver or vehicle owner on the road follows the law in this regard. For this reason, Florida law requires that insurance providers offer Uninsured Motorist insurance coverage along with policies for automobile insurance…. Read More »
Holding Others Responsible For A Drunk Driver’s Actions
When a person gets injured by a drunk driver, he may expect the driver or his insurance company to be the only parties responsible for paying related medical bills and other costs associated with the accident. However, depending on the circumstances of the accident, there may be additional parties that can be held liable… Read More »
Understanding Comparative Negligence in Florida
Accidents can happen in any part of life, and often times come out of nowhere. If you have been injured by the actions of another, you have every right to recover for your damages and suffering. But it is also important to understand the role that your actions can play in the amount that… Read More »
Distracted Driving in Florida
Distracted driving has been the cause of an increasing number of accidents since the onset of the mobile phone and the popularity of social media and other mobile phone accessibility measures like e-mail, text messaging, GPS capabilities, and internet browsing access. Anyone involved in an accident involving a distracted driver should contact an experienced… Read More »