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Author Archives: Thomas Roman

A DUI Lawyer In Tampa Explains Your Rights: Tips To Help Avoid A Conviction For Driving Under The Influence (DUI) In Florida

By Thomas Roman |

The below is intended only as general information, and does not constitute legal advice. You must speak with an attorney to discuss your individual case. A DUI LAWYER IN TAMPA EXPLAINS YOUR RIGHTS: TIPS TO HELP AVOID A CONVICTION FOR DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (DUI) IN FLORIDA First off, if you have been drinking… Read More »

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The Florida Citizen’s Guide to the Fourth Amendment part 2

By Thomas Roman |

Stop and Search: Reasonable Suspicion vs. Consensual Encounter When someone is arrested, the arresting deputy or officer generates a report detailing the facts and circumstances surrounding the arrest. If additional members of law enforcement are involved in the case, they would generate a report as well. During the discovery process, the State Attorney’s Office… Read More »

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How a Criminal Defense Attorney in Tampa Can Help Individuals Convicted of Violation of Probation

By Thomas Roman |

The consequences of a probation violation are serious. If you or an individual you know has been convicted of a crime in the state of Florida and are currently on probation, there are certain rights to be aware of. This article discusses the consequences of a violation of probation—if you have violated a condition… Read More »

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Criminal Defense Attorneys in Tampa: Protect Your Future Against DUI Charges

By Thomas Roman |

Drinking and driving is dangerous, and the penalties of a DUI arrest are extremely harsh in the state of Florida; Florida is serious about preventing injury and death from alcohol and DUI related car crashes. DUI will remain on your license for 75 years. Criminal defense attorneys in Tampa provide representation for individuals charged… Read More »

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Critical DUI Information Provided By Criminal Defense Attorneys in Tampa: What to Know and What to Expect

By Thomas Roman |

Many Tampa residents are stopped and arrested for drunk driving (driving under the influence) of alcohol or drugs. The consequences can be confusing for those involved, particularly if they’re unaware of their rights. If you or a friend has been arrested for driving under the influence, a criminal defense attorney in Tampa can fight… Read More »

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Facing a Traffic Offense? How a Traffic Lawyer in Florida Can Help You Avoid Jail Time and License Suspension

By Thomas Roman |

Most Florida residents aren’t aware that paying a traffic ticket or other violation, is an automatic admission of guilt and allows the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) to add points to their driving record. The more frequently you’re found in violation, points will add up and you’ll face license suspension. In many cases, the… Read More »

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The High Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes in the U.S.

By Thomas Roman |

A recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reveals that there is a huge economic impact on U.S. citizens as a result of motor vehicle crashes. The study was based on data involving motor vehicle crashes for the calendar year 2010. The NHTSA study, entitled The Economic and Societal Impact of… Read More »

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What You Should Do if You Are Injured in the State of Florida

By Thomas Roman |

If you’ve sustained an injury in Florida and believe another person, multiple people, or an entity’s negligence is responsible, you may be entitled to compensation based on Florida personal injury laws. If another party’s carelessness is found to be the cause of your injury, the party can be held financially accountable for a variety… Read More »

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Firearm Safety 101

By Thomas Roman |

There are three groups of people involved in the debate over gun control and gun issues, pro-gun owners, anti-gun non-owners, and those who don’t own but don’t hate guns. While we do not take the position of advocating gun ownership or gun control, we believe owning or carrying a gun is a personal decision… Read More »

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How to Settle a Personal Injury Claim

By Thomas Roman |

Being involved in a car accident is confusing and stressful enough as it is – when it comes to claiming compensation for your damages, you should entrust the big decisions to the experts. Here is a graphic about how we generally go about handling Personal Injury Claims, just to provide you with a little… Read More »

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